Model agricultural national school - School Registration books 1867 - 1918

Here are images of the School Registration Books for Dunlewey Model Agricultural School from 1867 - 1918. There are two sets of books, one for boys and one for girls. Pupils were given a ‘Roll Number’ and registered either on the front pages in sequence or on subsequent pages.

The first boy on the register Micheal Ferry, Moneymore, was the son of a farmer. He was registered on the 10th June 1867 and was aged 8.

The first Girl on the register was Catherine O’Donnell, Dunlewey, daughter of a widow farmer. She was registered on the 19th December 1870 and was aged 7.

Note: You may notice that someone wrote notes on the register in purple ink. We believe this was when the school master was assisting local people to apply for the pension. They needed proof that they were of pension age when they were making the application. See page 28 of Girl’s register for an example. Sarah Sharkey is underlined, elsewhere on page you will see a calculation - to estimate her birth year, and they age she was at the time of application.

Year Registered: 1884

Age when registered: - 12

Birth Year: 1872

Year of Application: 1939

Birth Year - 1872

Age at time: 67

To read about the history of the Agricultural School - Click Here